About me

Welcome! I am a final year PhD candidate in Finance of University of Otago, and I am currently in the final stages of completing my dissertation. I earned my master in Business in Finance from University of Otago.

As a researcher, my interests lie in Investment and Risk Management, Asset Pricing, and in particular understanding the behavior of financial markets and the impact of policy decisions on these markets. During my time as a master and Ph.D. student, I have gained valuable experience in conducting empirical research, analyzing financial data, and presenting my findings in conferences and academic journals. My academic work has been published in Economics Letters, International Review of Finance, and Journal of Futures Markets.

In addition to my research, I have also been actively involved in teaching and mentoring undergraduate students in finance. I believe that effective teaching is not just about imparting knowledge but also about inspiring students to think critically and independently. I was the lecturer and instructor of FINC204: Personal Finance and I assisted in teaching FINC102: Business Mathematics, BSNS114: Financial Decision Making, and FINC204: Personal Finance. I have been the meeting manager of the Derivatives and Quantitative Finance Group (DQFG) meetings.

I am also voluntering as the treasurer of the Midwinter Carnival in Dunedin.

As I approach graduation, I am excited about the next phase of my career. I hope to continue conducting research and contributing to the academic community while also exploring opportunities to work in industry and collaborate with other professionals.